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Vibha  Gupta

Hola!! Welcome to One Teaspoon Drama (OTD)! Everything that you find here comes with a pinch of drama and more often than not, with boatloads of it!


About me:

I am Vibha Gupta, grew up in the buzzing streets of Mumbai and San Francisco/Bay Area is now home! I’m a Management Consultant professionally and outside of work I’m a home chef, singer, dancer (& instructor), fitness & fashion enthusiast, traveler and ohhh, also a chatterbox. You’ll typically find me extremely high on energy, never running out of topics to chat, thinking about 469 different ideas in a day that could keep me busy in the week, of which at least 4 get executed (not bad for a start right :) )

One common idea throughout has been this blog that could serve as a platform for the other 468 ideas. And on a side note, I pretty much would be ousted from the valley if I don’t have my own website right?!!! :)


What will you find here:

A little bit of everything I do day-to-day, weekend-to-weekend that has a potential to make you ponder, give you hunger pangs, motivate you or bring a smile to your face!


The food I cook:

Tales from the kitchen that creates a mix of food that I’ve grown up on, food that I explore all around and recreate, food that the taste buds randomly imagine and the hands execute, food that helps me fit into my clothes!

The clothes/looks I wear:

With limited knowledge about the rights and wrongs of fashion or makeup, this revolves around how/why I pick up what I wear and eventually how it all turns out! And oh well, everything looks good with a smile right!

The places I travel to:

I wouldn’t need anything more, if you leave me around nature and just one creature to chat with. It’s amusing how the best conversations/decisions I’ve had/made have been around nature! I will take you around, wherever I go, huge or little, mountains or oceans, to converse with similar or different looking creatures!

Day-to-day lifestyle & experiences:

From a fitness class attended to a singing video recorded to a new cuisine explored to a new lesson learnt from the cab driver to a value that I grew up on, this is all about experiences and my thoughts around them. We might’ve talked to each other once in a while, why not do it more often and talk, share and learn from each other. At the end of it all, it’s about our day-to-day experiences that impact the way we think and act!


So now that you’re here, I welcome you again to my world of madness! Let’s talk and giggle together and make internet a happier place :)


You can reach out to me on:


You can follow me on instagram: @vibhajg

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